Ionic Foot Bath

While working a few years as an alternative health practitioner, I have learned that wellness lives in the mind, body and spirit. Most western doctors only treat one aspect of our wellness, and unfortunately that will result in only a temporary solution, a band-aid, to our health problems. When a person treats the mind, body and spirit as one, he or she will experience long term result. It’s about bringing the body back into balance. When a person falls out of balance, that unbalance will allow for disease, pain, and suffering to creep back into their lives.

The Ionic Foot Bath is a treatment that detoxifies the body faster and more effectively than any herbal or fasting protocols, with little or no stress. Ionic Foot Baths provide a comfortable and relaxing way to rid the body of toxins and relieving healing crisis reactions. A person comes in contact daily with potential toxins that can range from impurities in the air, to chemicals in your home, food, soaps or hygiene products.

How does it Work

Ion is either a negatively or positively charged atom or molecule. The nature of the ion is to negate their charge or stabilize themselves by seeking a pole of opposite polarity; if the ion is negative it seeks to stabilize itself by attaching to an ion with positive polarity and conversely when in positive mode it will seek out a negative polarity. Ionic Foot Bath is a foot soak that uses water charged with positive and negative ions – electrolytes – which helps draw toxins from your body out through your feet through a process of exchange between the positive and negative ions in your body, and their opposite numbers in the water.

Benefits of an Ionic Foot bath:

  • Improves the body's lymph circulation

  • May help to reduce and relieve migraines and headaches

  • Can help improve and clear up skin conditions

  • Increases natural energy levels

  • Improves quality of sleep and relaxation

  • Boosts immune system and helps fight off viruses

  • Relieves muscle and joint pain and swelling

  • Can assist weight loss

Book your appointment today!